Saturday, December 28, 2019

Some Lessons from QURAN (#30) - PART 1

Quran is from our creator Allah (swt - Glory to Him, the Exalted.)  We try to read Quran in Arabic or using translations. It is also important to understand Quran is teaching us way of life and we are expected to follow or implement commands from Quran in our daily life.

Recently, I saw simple Facebook post and I want to share here. Please note the Sura # and Line# is here and you can check exact translation on your own. (i.e go to and look for Sura #3 and Line# 159 for the first lesson below)

01. Don't be harsh in the talk. (03:159)
02. Control the anger (03:134).
03. Treat good with others. (04:36)
04. Don't be proud. (07:13)
05. Forgive others for his mistake (07:199)
06. Speak slow to people and speak quietly. (20:44)
07. Don't speak loud. (31:19)
08. Do not laugh at others (49:11)
09. Act responsible for parents. (17:23)
10. Do not pronounce abusive words to parents. (17:23)
11. Do not enter the parent s' bedroom without permission. (24:58)
12. If you accept loan then write it. (02:282)
13. Don't follow anyone blind. (02:170)
14. Increase the payment time in the difficult situation of the loan applicant. (2:280)
15. Never get involved with interest. (02:275)
16. Never be connected with bribe. (02:188)
17. Don't break the promise. (02:177)
18. Have Faith (02:283)
19. Do not mix the truth with lies. (2:42)
20. Be just when you judge. (04:58)
21. Stand firm for justice. (04:135)
22. Distribute the wealth of the dead to their family members. (04:07)
23. Give the inheritance rights of women. (04:07)
24. Do not consume the property of orphans. (04.10)
25. Protect the orphans. (02:220)
26. Do not consume others's wealth injustice. (04:29)
27. Try for intimacy between people. (49:09)
28. Avoid doubt. (49:12)
29. Don't spy, don't say bad things about others. (49:12)
30. Judge according to the order of Allah. (05:45)

After a while...

Due to so many reasons, i was not able to update this Blog sadly in last few years. I will try to start publishing things that I will come across or learn and love to share with anyone out there.

For full disclaimer, my goal is to learn and share. Please double check other sources if I publish anything incorrectly. I am not a scholar and have minimum knowledge about Islam but do love to learn, follow and share.

Again, my goal is to keep posts simple and short so that anyone can follow insha-Allah (isA).