Saturday, January 16, 2021

Islam : Teaching Kids Manner at Home

Raising kids now-a-days is different than how it was done for my parents or grand-parents. As parents, we have less help with regard to raising kids and they are also exposed to different culture/society outside home.

As a parent, we need to be setup good example that kids can learn/follow from very young age. Just telling them about good deeds/manners is not enough. For example, Parents should be putting best soft behavior towards the kids as much as possible. Yelling at the kids or being Rude is not teaching them good manners. They may get scared and listen to us, but they will NOT once they grow older. Worst case, they may do the same with their own kids. Is this what we really want ?

As Muslim, we do our best to follow Quran and Sunnah. If we look at how our Prophet (Peace be upon Him) lived his life, we will see all the great examples of how we behaved with everyone including spouse, children, rich, poor or anyone. We try our best to implement his examples in our life and hopefully we can pass it to our own kids. This is our responsibility and it is also our Kid's right on us. 

Islam is the best religion and it is a complete religion from Allah (SWT). May Allah guide us to the straight path and help us to follow Quran and Sunnah. 

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